St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Vestry Meeting Minutes
May 21, 2020
The Vestry meeting was called to order at 6:33 p.m. by Fr. Tom.
Members Present via phone conference call: Fr. Tom, Rector; Charlene Connolly, Senior Warden; Don Anderson, Junior Warden; David Abernethy, Treasurer; Joyce Cashin, Judy Allen, Lee Perry, Dick Emerson, Yvon Hive. Absent Van Geoghegan.
Fr. Tom opened the meeting with the Feast of the Ascension Prayer.
Minutes: Dick moved that the April minutes be approved, and Joyce seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
Financials: The April financials were reviewed with the vestry by David Abernethy. Considering our circumstances with the COVID- 19, April looked good. The plate was down, pledge was above projection, and non- pledge was up 7% year to date. There was a unanimous consent to accept the report.
1. SBA Loan Status:
Fr. Tom reported St. Paul’s Suntrust loan application has not cleared. The loan was for 2.5 month of payroll and expenses to continue to pay employees. When expenses are paid and the expense reports are filed on a specific date, the loan is to be forgiven. Anne Vickers, from the diocesan office, mentioned there were other parishes who have not received money from Suntrust Bank and suggested we apply with other loan companies. An application was put in to and at this time was denied because we were not eligible. Fr. Tom will investigate this and report back.
2. COVID- 19 and Services:
Fr. Tom reported that Bishop Dabney Smith gave the go ahead to have public services in church with restrictions, beginning May 31. 25% capacity, which comes to 57 people at St. Paul’s. The church must be sanitized if used more than one time in a week. Placing of the bulletins, and collection plate in safe areas , and ushers making sure everyone is social distancing will be worked out. There will not be any singing, only a cantor to lead the service and the congregation may hum or just listen. The prayer books and music books will be removed from the pews. The service will be live streamed for those who do not feel safe to attend.
Masks will be required to attend service. The only one who does not have to wear one during service is the priest, and the priest will wear one while distributing communion. Only the priest will consume the consecrated wine. We will follow the CDC guidelines, and those of Bishop Dabney Smith. The diocese will stand behind us if anything might happen under this period of COVID-19. We will ask parishioners to wear a mask. There will be some on hand at church if they are forgotten.
Fr. Tom will order masks and gloves for folks who failed to wear them to service.
It was decided at this time we will only allow one service on Sunday at 9 am. The Holy Name of Jesus will decide at a later date when to begin. This will be decided when we figure out the sanitizing of the church with more than one service during the week.
The Administrative Assistant was asked to check with Cordova Cleaning services what the cost of sanitizing would be, and if they could accommodate us by cleaning on Sunday afternoon and another thorough cleaning be done on their regular workday of Tuesday morning. Lee mentioned that we should not sign a Release of Liability from COVID-19, if Cordova requests one. If they take on the responsibility of sanitizing, they should have their own insurance.
At this time no decision was made on when to allow the Brazilian Church back for services. It was stated that Trinity Hall should not be used for meal gatherings in June.
3. Hurricane Preparedness:
Fr. Tom said a hurricane coordinator was needed for this hurricane season. The Junior Warden, Don Anderson stated that was his responsibility and he will be the coordinator. St. Matthew’s will not be used this year. It was stated we have a Sexton and he is prepared to ready the church for a hurricane. Shutters will be put up in the next few weeks.
4. Holy Name of Jesus:
Fr. Tom reported Fr. Michael Basden agreed to be the consultant between St. Paul’s and The Holy Name of Jesus congregation. Right now the talks are on hold. Fr. Tom will consult with Fr. Michael on continuing.
5. St. Paul’s Web Site:
Charlene reported Tom Connolly is working on instituting online giving on the website.
6. ECW:
President Joyce Cashin’s report was not verbally given, it is attached. ECW balance as of May is $807. Officers for 2020/2021 are: President Joyce Cashin, Vice President Van Geoghegan, Treasurer Nora Broszeit. The Secretary position is not filled at this time.
Adjournment was at 7:25 pm.
Next meeting will be June 18, 2020 at 6:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Lee Perry Deborah Avery
Clerk of the Vestry Recording Secretary