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3901 Davis Blvd., two blocks east of Airport Road


3901 Davis Blvd., east of Airport Road

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Vestry meeting of January 15, 2025

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 
Vestry Meeting Minutes
January 15, 2025

Vestry met in Serson Hall with a call to order at 6:30 p.m. There was a quorum. Fr. Tom shared a prayer called Spice to Life with Change and a meditation. 
Members Present: Fr. Tom Thoeni, Rector; Steve Carnell, Sr. Warden; Tom Connolly, Mary Lou Dogoloff, Judy Martin, Rose Porembo, Jeannie Smith, and Murray Smith. Paul Nelson, Jr. Warden, was away and Peter Lund was on zoom.

Treasurer’s Report: Rose P had handouts from which she discussed the December financials. The 2025 Budget was discussed and questions were answered. Fr Tom asked for a motion to accept the budget for 2025. Rose P made the motion and Judy M seconded which was passed by acclamation.

Carol O’Connell, St Paul’s office administrator since June 9, 2023, has resigned and will return to her home state of New York. Carol has agreed to train a candidate for the position who will be interviewed by Fr Tom. Vestry members agreed that a 90-day trial period would offer the candidate $20. per hour compensation. An amendment was called for by Fr Tom which would adjust the 2025 budget. Rose P made a motion to make this change to the budget, Tom C seconded and it was passed by acclamation.

Approval of Minutes: Fr Tom asked for a motion to approve the December 18, 2024 vestry minutes. Rose P made the motion and Judy M seconded. The motion was adopted unanimously. 
Annual Meeting: On Sunday, January 26, 2025, after one service at 9:00 a.m. there will be a breakfast offered in Trinity Hall with time blocked out for the annual meeting. A vote will be proposed to elect three new vestry members, other business will be discussed, with a treasure’s report by Fr Tom. 

Land Development Project: Fr Tom received an email from Lang Lowrey. Lang located an architectural group familiar with building facilities with 16 units per acre. A meeting will be planned in late January, early February to review Lang’s findings with our land development committee.

Hearing Loop Project: Tom C has discussed his planning with Gary Dickerson, Julio Albino, and Steve Augustas. Tom will be connecting wiring around the church floor to a special transformer.

Mutual Ministry Review: At the February 19, 2025 vestry meeting members who have recently retired from the vestry will be invited back to discuss the Mutual Ministry Review. Fr Tom thanked Steve Carnell, Judy Martin and Peter Lund for their years as vestry members.

Paul Todd Jr Concert: March 4, 2025, a Tuesday, will be the new date for a concert in the church. Funds collected will be divided 50/50. 

Fr Tom closed the meeting with a prayer at 7:40 p.m.
The next vestry meeting will be February 19, 2025

Respectfully Submitted, 
Charlene Connolly, Recording Secretary

3901 Davis Blvd., Naples, Florida 34104   239-643-0197   Office hours 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday-Friday

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