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3901 Davis Blvd., two blocks east of Airport Road


3901 Davis Blvd., east of Airport Road

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Vestry meeting of December 18, 2024

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 
Vestry Meeting Minutes
December 18, 2024

Vestry met in Serson Hall with a call to order at 6:30 p.m. There was a quorum. Fr. Tom shared a prayer for the end of Advent titled O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.
Members Present: Fr. Tom Thoeni, Rector; Steve Carnell, Sr. Warden; Paul Nelson, Jr. Warden; Tom Connolly, Peter Lund, Judy Martin, Rose Porembo, Jeannie Smith, and Murray Smith. Mary Lou Dogoloff was away.

Treasurer’s Report: Rose P had a handout from which she presented the October financials. A special budget meeting for vestry members was put on the calendar between services on January 5, 2025. For the convenience of all vestry members the annual meeting was moved to January 26, 2025 in Trinity Hall after the 9 a.m. service. 

Approval of Minutes: Fr Tom asked for a motion to approve the October 16, 2024 vestry minutes. Peter L made the motion and Judy M seconded. The motion was adopted unanimously. Fr Tom asked for a motion to approve the November 20, 2024 vestry minutes. Peter L made the motion and Tom C seconded. The motion was adopted unanimously.

Land Development Committee: Lang Lowrey, a broker, and his son Austin, a Florida realtor, met with St Paul’s ‘excellent’ land development committee after church on December 8. Lang and Austin reported on local land ordinances and zoning, both commercial and residential. A local architect will be hired who is experienced with affordable workforce housing. Ordinances in Naples require a land use planner, and an arborist. Because our land is in a flight path the height of the building will be determined by Collier County. Also being researched are designated wetland and flood zones on our property. The next phase of research by Lang and Austin will take 18 months to 2 years.

Health report from Fr Tom: Fr Tom and Quincey will have an appointment in Lakeland, FL to learn more from a neurologist and oncologist regarding Fr Tom’s health. Given to vestry by Fr Tom from Canon Richard Norman from the diocese was a list of rules to follow when a rector is not in place. The ByLaws of St Paul’s provide support training for the Sr Warden and Jr Warden to communicate with the vestry leadership roles to carry out the duties and responsibilities of the church in the absence of the rector.

Stewardship Update:  Fr Tom explained pledging points he will develop in four sermons in 2025. Parishioners can confirm their monetary support of the church using pledge cards. These will be available in the narthex. Others will pledge on their personal terms. Fr Tom will ask each parishioner to invite four people to our church in the coming year.

Housing allowance resolution: Discussion resolved that Fr Tom’s housing allowance would be  $10,000. Tom C made a motion to include Fr Tom’s housing allowance as a portion of his income and Peter Lund seconded. The motion was accepted unanimously.

Annual Meeting January: The Annual Meeting will be January 26, 2025 after a 9:00 service. The congregation will be invited to breakfast and the meeting in Trinity Hall.

Vestry Nominees:  Peter Lund, Judy Martin and Steve Carnell have completed their terms on the vestry. They have all contributed greatly to the life and work of this parish. We appreciate their leadership and service. Together Peter, Judy and Steve have vetted and presented Diane Augustus, Julio Albino and Jack LaRose as candidates. Fr Tom called for a motion to present each of them as nominees for the vestry. Steve C made the motion and Judy M seconded. The motion was adopted unanimously. They will be introduced and voted on at the annual meeting.

Farmers’ Market Update: Peter Lund, manager of the Farmers’ Market, provided an  assessment of how the market has declined over the years. He has investigated hiring a person to handle operations including marketing and finding new vendors. Peter said he would consult with the founders of the market, Alan Cragg and Roger Conant, to explore the merits of hiring a professional.

Holy Name Agreement: Fr Tom called a semi-annual meeting with Fr. Panel Guerrier, his vestry and St Paul’s committee including himself, Sr Warden Steve Carnell and Book Shop manager Lee Barron. Discussed with Fr Panel was a revised agreement between the two churches for 2025 which included a rent increase. St Paul’s vestry will vote to accept the revised contract and the contract will be presented to the diocese to be signed.

Hearing Loop Project: Tom C said he will be starting the wiring stage of the project. 

Piano Donation: The donated baby grand piano for the choir room in Serson Hall will be moved at the expense of the person donating it. Fr Tom asked for a motion to accept this gift. Tom C made the motion and Rose P seconded. The motion was adopted unanimously.

Votive candles repositioned: A couple visiting from their home and parish in Maine asked Fr Tom while introducing themselves one Sunday, “Where are the votive candles in St Paul’s?” Following their inquiry Fr Tom was moved to ask Gary Dickerson after church to bring the votive candle unit out of the chapel. Votive candles are now accessable in the nave. 

Fr Tom closed the meeting with a prayer at 7:45 p.m.
The next vestry meeting will be January 15, 2025

Respectfully Submitted, 
Charlene Connolly, Recording Secretary

3901 Davis Blvd., Naples, Florida 34104   239-643-0197   Office hours 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday-Friday

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