St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Vestry Meeting Minutes
October 24, 2019
The Vestry meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Fr. Tom.
Members Present: Fr. Tom, Rector; Richard Breithaupt, Senior Warden; Don Anderson, Junior Warden, David Abernethy, Treasurer; Charlene Connolly, Joyce Cashin, Van Geoghegan, Judy Allen, Yvon Hive, Lee Perry, Dick Emerson, and Peter Lund.
Study: Chapter 4, Cultivating the Missional Church, Cultivating Leaders as Champions”, was reviewed and discussed among the vestry members.
Personal Presentation: Lee Perry gave a presentation on his life and how he ended up with St. Paul’s. In November Yvon Hive will give his presentation.
Minutes: Van moved that the September minutes be approved as distributed and Dick seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
Financials: The financials were reviewed with the Vestry by David Abernethy. There was a unanimous consent of the report.
1. Church Insurance:
Lee reported that a team consisting of Lee, Richard, Don, Van, and Judy, did a walkthrough of the church, shed, and Serson Hall to make a better estimate of the value of the contents in each building. The rectory would be $0, shed would get raised to $20000, Serson Hall leave at $244000, and the church lowered to $400000. Lee reported this should make for a reduction in our insurance premium, we do not know how much at this time. Fr. Tom said he would contact Church Insurance to see if lowering the value would change our rates.
2. Office Schedule:
Fr. Tom reported November 1, the office Administrative Assistant hours would change to Season hours. Office open hours remain 9 am -1pm, work hours 8 am- 3 pm.
3. Rectory Open House:
Fr. Tom reminded everyone to come to the open house at the rectory on November 3, there will be 1 service time at 9 am and God’s Gardeners donated the rental of an 8 person golf cart to assist parishioners back and forth from the church to the rectory.
4. Diocesan Rebate:
The Diocese had a surplus in the budget and will rebate to churches a percentage of the monies.
The approximate amount is $1500. A discussion was made on where to use the money at St. Paul’s. This discussion is tables till we hear the exact amount St. Paul’s will receive.
5. Space Renter Contracts:
David, Richard, and Fr. Tom will be reviewing the space renter contracts which are due to be signed and renewed by mid-December. Charlene and Van would like to know of any changes to the contract because it does affect Trinity Hall and the kitchen.
Charlene reminded the group the Brazilian Church should not be using Trinity Hall during the time the practice for the pageant is going on.
6. Letter of Agreement:
Fr. Tom reported that Fr. Panel had a letter of agreement with the Labelle FL parish, but now that the parish has been dissolved, there is not longer an agreement.
Fr. Panel does not have a letter of agreement with St. Paul’s. Fr. Tom will draft one up and run it by Fr. Panel, the diocese and the vestry. This is necessary for Fr. Panel to be fully credentialled at convention.
7. Mutual Ministry Review:
Fr. Tom reported that part of his letter of agreement was to have a mutual ministry review. This will be emailed out to the vestry in the near future.
8. Invite-Welcome-Connect:
Fr. Tom reported on the Invite-Welcome-Connect program that was demonstrated at the clergy conference. This book authored by Mary Palmer, contains best practices in the Episcopal Church and putting them to use. Fr. Tom would like this program to be established at St. Paul’s and will set up a committee of people, preferably people not on the vestry to put this in to action. Fr. Tom felt people who were year around residents would be best suited for this committee.
- Judy asked if the vestry felt we should scotch guard the pews in church after they have been cleaned. The consensus was no.
- Flowers in church. Suggestions were made to make a list so parishioners could sign up to bring or order flowers for church on Sundays. Advertise in the weekly update that parishioners can order flowers in memory of loved ones or just to make the church look nice.
- A golf outing report was given by Joyce. She has about 27 set to golf and 30 registered to have lunch.
- Fr. Tom would like monthly dinners to start up. He would also like to use the time for a teaching dinner. Van mentioned she will chair the dinners, but she needs help. Table set up, table take down, potluck food and assistance in the kitchen. Dinner set at this time is November 28, Thanksgiving. Future dates will be announced for the third Thursdays of the month.
- Peter reported Darlene Shoemaker has been a blessing with helping out with the spread sheet on vendors for the market. He stressed we need parking helpers, docents, and greeters.
- Fr. Tom told the vestry to keep in mind people to replace the folks going off the vestry this year. We will be electing new member in December.
- Fr. Tom and Deb were asked to leave the vestry for the remainder of the meeting at 8:20 pm, while a discussion on wage compensation is made.
The executive meeting is Thursday, November 14 a 2 pm.
The next scheduled Vestry meeting is Thursday, November 21 at 6:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Lee Perry Deborah Avery
Clerk of the Vestry Recording Secretary