Vestry meeting of August 15, 2019
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Vestry Meeting Minutes
August 15, 2019
The Vestry meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Father Tom.
Members Present: Fr. Tom, Rector; Richard Breithaupt, Senior Warden; Don Anderson, Junior Warden, David Abernethy, Treasurer; Charlene Connolly, Joyce Cashin, Van Geoghegan, Judy Allen, Yvon Hive, and Dick Emerson (telecon). Absent were Peter Lund and Lee Perry.
Study: Chapter 2, Cultivating the Missional Church, Cultivating Health Through Modeling, was reviewed and discussed among the vestry members.
Personal Presentation: Van Geoghegan gave a presentation on her life and how she ended up with St. Paul’s. In September Charlene Connolly will give her presentation.
Minutes: Richard moved that the June minutes be approved as distributed and Dick seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
Financials: Richard moved, and Don seconded a motion that the July financials be approved as distributed. The motion was unanimously approved. David discussed the current financial outlook.
1. Outreach:
Fr. Tom thanked Richard, David, Joyce, and Judy for helping with attaching rear lights on bicycles at St. Matthew’s house this afternoon.
Fr. Tom suggested the Vestry work on ideas for quarterly community outreach events for St. Paul’s.
Richard suggested looking into the “New Horizons” tutoring and mentoring program. This program has children come to a meeting place (St. Paul’) after school and parishioners would tutor the children in an afterschool program till the parents are able to pick up their children. More research needs to be done.
Joyce suggested a St. Paul’s outing of golf. A parishioner would invite someone who is not a member to go along. Fr. Tom asked Joyce to head out this event, gather a committee and look into it.
2. Dominican Republic/Alberque el Buen Samaritano:
Fr. Tom reported that the Dominican Republic group that met in August invited 4 rectors to go to Alberque in October. Fr. Tom asked if the Vestry would feel it would be beneficial for him to go. The Vestry after discussion, felt it would be a good idea for Fr. Tom to go and get a better idea of how our contribution to this program actually benefits the children and community and will report back to St. Paul’s.
3. Committee Reports:
Finance Committee- Darlene Shoemaker, Fr. Tom, Barb Abernethy, David Abernethy, Richard Breithaupt, and Jerry Tysiak. There will be 2 sub committees; Budget- to review the current budget and update the line items, and Strategic Planning- plan for investing in the future. The Strategic Plan will be sent out to the Vestry members to review for discussion at a later date.
Stewardship- Richard reported that Linda Connelly will chair the Stewardship Committee.
Linda Connelly, Richard Breithaupt, Don Anderson, and Fr. Tom will attend the DaySpring Stewardship Workshop on August 24.
Ushers- Richard suggested using the locked bags for Sunday collection. During “season” we will use two for each service.
4. Rectory:
Don reported the electrical box was replaced, insulation in attic was completed, and the water
heater was replaced. The windows still need work, and this will be placed in the budget/strategic
plan committees long range plan.
5. Sexton:
Don reported the Sexton position is working out very well. It was stressed that the jobs to be done should be brought to the attention of Fr. Tom or Junior Warden, Don. They will report to Burton Tucker as needed.
If chairs need to be set up for St. Paul group activities, this should be planned in advance.
6. Farmers Market:
Naples News had a Blue Zone article the first week of August which included local Farmers’ Markets. St. Paul’s was included in this list.
The executive meeting is Thursday, September 12 a 2 pm.
The next scheduled Vestry meeting is Thursday, September 19 at 6:30 pm.
Fr. Tom moved, and everyone stood to unanimously approve at 7:55 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Lee Perry Deborah Avery
Clerk of the Vestry Recording Secretary