Vestry meeting of May 11, 2019
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Vestry Meeting Minutes May 11, 2019
The vestry meeting was called to order at 10:15 a.m. by Fr. Tom Thoeni. Fr. Tom opened with a prayer. Members Present: Richard Breithaupt, Senior Warden; Don Anderson, Junior Warden; Dave Abernethy, Treasurer; Fr. Tom Thoeni, Rector; Judy Allen, Joyce Cashin, Charlene Connolly, Dick Emerson, Van Geoghegan, Peter Lund, Lee Perry. Absent was Yvon Hive.
Minutes: Dick Breithaupt moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting and Don Anderson seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
Financials: The budget report was not available for discussion.
New Business
Fr. Tom suggested that the vestry begin a monthly expression of gratitude. The vestry agreed to choose a person each month to be thanked for his or her work for the church. Dick Breithaupt had nominated Bill Kling in May for welcoming newcomers at the church door and for suggesting during service that they come to coffee hour.
There was discussion about offering volunteer positions to those who are asking to be involved with ushering, altar guild, fellowship, outreach, God’s gardeners and other opportunities. The vestry will be training people to be on teams. Safeguarding God’s Children and Elderly is a diocesan course that almost all of the vestry has completed.
God’s gardeners reported that a water leak on the church property has been investigated. The City of Naples will be giving them information soon.
Fr. Tom suggested our Memorial Garden, between the church and Davis Blvd., needs to be better defined. In the future we may want to move the location or have a hedge around the site. Currently there is not an agreement or document for use of the memorial garden. Discussion will continue in the June vestry meeting.
Discussion continued about hiring a part time sexton to take care of jobs such a moving chairs and tables in Trinity Hall and coordinating the work of God’s Gardeners.
Vestry will be discussing a gifts acceptance policy for the church. There could be gifts that won’t conform to our needs, for example, a donation of a full pipe organ.
In addition, a discussion of the policies and procedures of the Society of St. Paul’s will be topics for continuing discussion.
Don Anderson was asked to ensure the policies and procedures for hurricane preparedness and recovery are up to date, and to report at the June vestry meeting.
Fr. Tom indicated there is a need for a new computer for Deb Avery, administrative assistant. Joyce Cashin moved to approve the purchase and Van Geoghegan seconded. All agreed.
Cordova Cleaning Service contract for janitorial services will be renewed.
The vestry continued discussion about the leadership of the Farmers’ Market in the coming season. The executive committee, comprised of the wardens, rector and treasurer, invited Roger Conant, co-founder of the market, to discuss the hiring of an outside manager. Others suggested we continue with volunteer church members. A decision is to be made in June.
Fr. Tom moved and Dick Emerson seconded, and the vestry affirmed that the executive committee would have permission from the vestry to spend in an emergency not more than $2500.
Having concluded the business agenda, the vestry adjourned at 12:15 and turned its attention to personal and group development. Each member listed his or her strengths in an effort to map assets and organize a vision for the future of St. Paul’s.
The next scheduled Vestry meeting will be Thursday, June 20, 2019 at 6:30 pm. Respectfully submitted,
Lee Perry Charlene Connolly Clerk of the Vestry Recording Secretary