St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Vestry Meeting Minutes
October 25, 2018
The Vestry meeting was called to order at 6:33 p.m. by Richard Breithaupt. Fr. Bill opened with prayer.
Members Present: Richard Breithaupt, Senior Warden; Don Anderson, Junior Warden; Dave Abernethy, Treasurer; Fr. Bill, Priest-in-Charge, Charlene Connolly, Yvon Hive, Judy Allen, Alan Cragg, Peter Lund, Dick Emerson, and Bev Whiteman. Absent was Darlene Shoemaker. Guest attending the meeting was Bill Kling.
Minutes: Bev moved that the September minutes be approved as distributed and Don seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
Financials: Alan moved, and Dick seconded a motion that the September financials be approved as distributed. The motion was unanimously approved.
New Business
Lee moved and Peter seconded the motion that the current signatories be revoked on all bank accounts of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Naples, Florida held at Suntrust.
That the following persons are authorized or re-authorized as signatories on all the
accounts whose signatory authorities have just been revoked: Thomas Thoeni (Rector-
Elect), David Abernethy (Treasurer), Richard Breithaupt (Senior Warden), Donald
Anderson (Junior Warden); except account number ending in 691, (currently subtitled
“Discretionary Fund, Priest-in-Charge”) and Account number ending in 158 (currently
subtitled “Tennant Deposits”).
That the following persons are authorized or re-authorized as signatories on the account
whose number ends in 691, currently subtitled “Discretionary Fund, Priest-in-Charge”:
Thomas Thoeni (Rector Elect), and David Abernethy (Treasurer).
That David Abernethy be authorized as signatory on the account whose number ends in
158,subtitled “Tennant Deposits”.
That the foregoing authorizations and re-authorizations are to the limit of authority for
any authorized signatory under the Financial Policy of St. Paul’s; provided, however, that
the Vestry understands the limitations of authority set forth in the Financial Policy of St.
Paul’s are not binding upon Sun Trust; and
That the Rector-elect, Senior Warden or Treasurer are authorized to certify to Suntrust
that this Vestry has this day adopted all resolutions in any format required by Suntrust
to implement the revocations and new and continuing authorizations set forth in the
foregoing resolutions. The motion was unanimously approved.
Bill Kling made a correction of the motion to accept the resignations of Hal Brundage and Roger Conant. Hal and Roger are resigning from the committee of SOSP. They will remain members of the SOSP. The Vestry unanimously accepted the resignations of Hal and Roger from the committee of SOSP.
Lee made a motion and Alan seconded that the distribution of the SOSP funds will be put into the operating account of St. Paul’s. The motion was unanimously approved.
Richard reported he will look into a membership to Cosco. He would order 3 credit cards; one for Fr. Tom, Bev Whiteman, and Van Geoghegan.
Discussion Items
David said he will need the reports from each Vestry member and their assigned areas of the church budget by mid-November in order to have the budget ready to go for 2019. A handout was given to the members (attachment) on their assignments. David will have the accountant send out 2018 budget and a spread sheet for each to follow for 2019.
David Abernethy reviewed the financial reports for September. Down 11% on revenue YTD. Expenses are exceeding income.
Richard reported the team under the guidance of Diane Breithaupt is working very diligently on the rectory. Fr. Panel’s family moved out on October 22. Two pods will be paid for by St. Paul’s to store their items for 6 months.
Bev reported the Stewardship Committee has been meeting every other week. November 1st will be the next meeting and Fr. Tom will be attending. A theme is needed. In November and December someone from the Stewardship Committee will be addressing the congregation at the service about stewardship. The pledge cards will go out to the congregation in January with Consecration Sunday set for February 3. Bev announced this is her last year on the Stewardship Committee.
Lee reported we will use the same insurance company as last year, Vermont Insurance. The deductible was lowered from 7% to 4%.
Burton Tucker is meeting with a lawn sprinkler maintenance person for St. Paul’s. With the passing away of Paul Larson, our God’s Gardener sprinkler specialist, we do not have an expert in the field.
Lee reported God’s Gardeners have worked very hard getting ready for Farmers Market which begins November 10.
Yvon reported the congregation will visit their sister church in Del Ray Beach, Florida on November 11. Yvon will relay the message to his congregation that the Bishop will be at St. Paul’s for the installation January 6. The Bishop will do Baptisms and Confirmations at the morning service. Bev Whiteman also suggested that The Holy Name of Jesus choir join the St. Paul’s choir for the installation.
The Vestry proposed a resolution thanking Fr. Bill for his time here at St. Paul’s, bringing us through a tough transition and being a great Priest to St. Paul’s. The Vestry unanimously approved.
Charlene suggested that someone look at replacing the maintenance shelf in Trinity Hall’s table storage closet. She said the one there is old and becoming unstable.
She also mentioned the nursery has not been properly cleaned. The office administrator said she would contact the cleaning team for St. Paul’s.
Fr. Tom’s celebration will be on Sunday, January 6th at 4 pm. Bishop Smith will be presiding. He will also celebrate and preach at the 10 a.m. service that morning as his regular annual visitation. Katie Judnich and Connie Cunningham are in charge of the reception in Trinity Hall following the celebration service.
The next scheduled Vestry meeting is Thursday, November 15, 2018 at 6:30 pm.
Bev moved, and Fr. Bill seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 pm. The motion was unanimously approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Bev Whiteman Deborah Avery
Clerk of the Vestry Recording Secretary
3901 Davis Blvd., Naples, Florida 34104 239-643-0197 Office hours 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday-Friday