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3901 Davis Blvd., two blocks east of Airport Road


3901 Davis Blvd., east of Airport Road

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Vestry meeting of April 19, 2018

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

Vestry Meeting Minutes

April 19, 2018


The Vestry meeting was called to order at 6:31 p.m. by Richard Breithaupt. Fr. Bill opened with prayer.


Members Present: Richard Breithaupt, Senior Warden; Don Anderson, Junior Warden; Dave Abernethy, Treasurer; Fr. Bill, Priest-in-Charge, Judy Allen, Alan Cragg, Charlene Connolly, Yvon Hive, Dick Emerson, Peter Lund,  Lee Perry and Bev Whiteman, Clerk.


Minutes & Financials: Alan moved, and Don seconded a motion that the March minutes be approved as distributed.  The motion was unanimously approved. Treasurer David did a recap of the financial reports. He stated the contributions were down and we have a deficit of $20,000 at this time. Peter moved, and Bev seconded a motion that the March financials be approved as distributed. The motion was unanimously approved.


Item of Personal Privilege:   Dick Emerson presented the highlights of his life story.


New Business


  1. Long Range Strategic Plan:

Don moved, and Richard seconded the motion to adopt the Long Range Strategic Plan on a provisional basis, with the realization that the incoming Rector will want to shape the final form. The motion was unanimously approved.


  1. Thank You, Jerry Tysiak:

Don moved, and Dick seconded the motion to have the Vestry Clerk send a thank you to Jerry Tysiak for his excellent leadership and the Long-Range Planning Committee’s work in the development of the Strategic Plan. The motion was unanimously approve.


  1. Long Range Strategic Plan/Part 2:

Bev moved, and Peter seconded a motion to stricken the recommendation to empower the Long-Range Planning Committee to continue to develop three specific areas: Stewardship; Property Development & Reserves Management, but instead to create an ad hoc committee to plan a long range finance plan. The Vestry was advised to look for and select volunteers. The motion was unanimously approved


  1. Thank You, Michael Moore:

Richard recommended a thank you be sent by the liaison for the Farmers’ Market, Peter Lund, to Michael Moore for graciously hosting a luncheon at the Turtle Club for all the Farmer’s Market and God’s Gardeners workers on April 11. Richard also suggested that anyone who attended to express their own appreciation as well to Mike. The motion was unanimously approved.


  1. Installation of Pavers:

Peter reported on a proposal to lay more pavers on the church campus. A motion was made to table this proposal at this time and will be brought to the table again when the new budget is prepared for the next year, plus there is not an urgency at the time because the Farmers’ Market is over. The motion was unanimously approved.


  1. Removal of Tree Stumps:

Peter reported on the need to remove 6 trees with roots that are a safety hazard and 3 stumps from Irma. The cost is $3000.00. The motion passed, there was one Vestry member who voted nay.

  1. Society of St. Paul’s Contribution:

Don made a motion to rescind  the annual contribution to the Society of St. Paul’s from the general budget and reallocated to the Outreach Committee to make recommendation for it’s dispersal. This will raise the Outreach amount from $6000 to $7000. Alan seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.


  1. New Business:

Judy reported the fellowship during the Farmers’ Market in the bar b que area has proven very popular and a few folks have shown interest on attending St. Paul’s.

Bill Kling has been training Judy in as a welcoming face to new members or potential members to St. Paul’s. Her first visit with Bill is on April 20.

Judy said she would like new refrigerators and stoves to be put in the budget for next year. With all the groups using Trinity Hall the present ones have taken a beating.

Judy recommended that the Vestry hear news before it is printed or sent out to the public. Example, the resurfacing of the parking lot.




  1. Treasurer/Audit Report:

David Abernethy stated that he needs one more person to work on the audit committee.


  1. Search Committee:

Dick reported that Canon Durning would give names of applicants to the position of Rector at the Vestry Retreat May 5 at Dayspring.


  1. Strategic Planning:

Fr. Bill said the Strategic Planning committee completed its work on 3/22/18. Copies of the Report will be made available to the Vestry shortly which the Vestry will vote on at its April Meeting.


  1. Jubilee Expenses:

Richards report is attached.


  1. Property:

Lee reported the lease for the rectory was signed by Fr. Panel and good till December 2018.

Lee showed the Vestry a picture of Diane Breithaupt’s master gardening work on the grounds around the memorial plaque stand in the garden. A full report is attached.


  1. Farmers Market:

Peter said all is going smoothly. The fellowship with coffee and hotdogs was going very well. Bev brought up for next year this event not take place on the same day as the pancake breakfast. All agreed.


  1. Communications Report:

Darlene presented the Communications report. The full report appears as Appendix B.


  1.  Chairs:

Fr. Bill reported that Winterpark donated approximately 100 folding chairs and a chair remover to St. Paul’s. He will find out from Burton Tucker who the person was and address so a thank you note could be written.




  1. Summer Schedule:

Fr. Bill reported beginning May 6 we will cut the 8 and 10 am service and have a Rite II service at 9 am for the summer months.


  1. Potluck Brunch:

Fr. Bill said the executive board agreed to continue the summer, one time a month potluck brunch. The day of the month will be the fourth Sunday. Charlene said she would notify Leissa that on Sundays in the summer her hours would be going down due to a change from two  Sunday services and two fellowship coffee hours to one fellowship hour.


  1. Easter Bags:   

Charlene reported that ECW gave her $75 to use to buy books and candy for Easter bags to give out to the Farmers’ Market vendors children this year. Charlene made up and gave out 10 Easter bags.


  1. Kitchen:

Charlene  expressed a thank you to Judy Allen and Van Geoghegan for taking charge and cleaning and clearing out the kitchen.


  1. Party Time:

Bev invited the Vestry to her home on Sunday, 5-7 pm, for a thank you, end of season party for the Vestry and the Choir and their significant others.   


Upcoming Events     


  1. April 29, 4-6 pm, Installation of Canon Cooter at St. Monica’s.
  2. May 5, 9 am -4 pm Vestry Retreat at Dayspring
  3. May 17, 6:30 pm Vestry Meeting                                         


Alan moved, David seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:01 pm. The motion was unanimously approved.





Respectfully submitted,


Bev Whiteman                                                                         

Clerk of the Vestry  


Deborah Avery

Recording Secretary


3901 Davis Blvd., Naples, Florida 34104   239-643-0197   Office hours 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday-Friday

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