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3901 Davis Blvd., two blocks east of Airport Road


3901 Davis Blvd., east of Airport Road

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Vestry meeting of June 19, 2024


St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 
Vestry Meeting Minutes
June 19, 2024

 Vestry met in Serson Hall with a call to order at 6:33 p.m. There was a quorum. Fr. Tom opened with two prayers.
 Members Present: Fr. Tom Thoeni, Rector; Steve Carnell, Sr. Warden; Tom Connolly, Judy Martin, Rose Porembo, Jeannie Smith, and Murray Smith. Attending by zoom were Paul Nelson, Jr. Warden and Peter Lund. Missing was Mary Lou Dogoloff.

Motion to approve vestry minutes: Fr. Tom asked for a motion to approve the minutes from May 15, 2024. Judy M made a motion and Murray S seconded. The motion was adopted by acclamation.

Treasurer’s Report: Rose Porembo presented the treasurer’s report. She then gave a summary of St. Paul’s restricted funds for the last three years. 

Lang Lowrey’s visit: Lang Lowrey, Austin Lowrey and Mike Booher CFO of our diocese spoke to the congregation and answered questions at a forum June 9. Fr Tom called for a motion to continue planning a land lease on the church property. Murray S made a motion and Rose P seconded. The motion passed by acclamation. A committee of 5 people will be formed to continue this project for three to five years. 

Sound System Update: The broken main speaker is still out for repair.

T-Loop Technology: Fr Tom brought to the vestry’s attention a technology called a Hearing Loop or T-Loop. It consists of a wire or ribbon of copper, perhaps affixed to the baseboard, that would surround the nave. A special hearing Loop amplifier drives current through the Loop, creating a magnetic field. This in turn induces the T-coil or Telecoil in a person’s hearing aid to convert the signal to sound, blocking out background noise and delivering a clear sound.  Fr Tom and Tom Connolly will continue to gather information about this technology. It may be possible that church volunteers can install such a system in St. Paul’s.

Solar Panel Project:  Paul Nelson reported a proposal for solar panels on the rectory needs more follow up time. 

Rectory maintenance:   Fr Tom explained an unwanted rat needs to be removed from the rectory.  He called Truly Nolan for advice and a quote for their services. He asked for a motion to hire Truly Nolan at their reduced charge.  Steve C made the motion and Judy M seconded. The motion passed by acclamation.

Rectory Windows:   Paul N explained that we are not ready to decide to replace more windows in the rectory.  Rose added that the rectory A/C efficiency report should be discussed before windows are ordered.  Judy M suggested that there may be a warranty available on the A/C to cover some expenses.

Holy Name of Jesus semi-annual meeting:   Fr. Tom called for a semi-annual review with HNJ worshiping community. The meeting is set for June 23 in the library. Included are Fr Tom, Charlene & Tom C, Fr. Panel and his vestry.

Shadowlawn Elementary Volunteering:   Steve C reported that volunteers from our congregation must initiate their own interest in being a volunteer at Shadowlawn Elementary.  Customizing what a volunteer wants to do with child, children or for an individual teacher will be reviewed by the principal or a staff member named Eric. Each volunteer fills out a form and the school will apply for a background check. Volunteers usually give 30 minutes to one hour of their time on specific days. 

 The next vestry meeting will be July 17, 2024
 The meeting was adjourned with a prayer at 7:35 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted, 
 Charlene Connolly, Recording Secretary
 Nora Broszeit, Clerk of the Vestry

3901 Davis Blvd., Naples, Florida 34104   239-643-0197   Office hours 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday-Friday

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