St. Paul’s Vestry Meeting
December 15, 2022
Serson Hall Library
Fr Tom called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Members Present: Fr. Tom, Rector; Rich Shea, Jr. Warden; Nora Broszeit, Treasurer; Judy Allen, Judy Martin, David Abernethy, Steve Carnell, and Van Geoghegan. Absent were Peter Lund, and Don Anderson.
Guest Present: Lee Barron
Minutes were read and approved.
Nora Broszeit, Treasurer, presented the financial report, with the closing numbers from October. She noted that we have money to pay our bills and that we have avoided touching any reserves for the year, so far.
Lee Barron reported on the effort of beginning to sell books. The response has been significant. She asked for up to $1250 for shelving. The motion was made and seconded and adopted unanimously.
The Vestry then passed a resolution of gratitude for Lee’s work.
The Vestry also passed a resolution of gratitude for the 9 years of excellent work of our Administrative Assistant, Deb Avery.
Both resolutions were unanimous.
After a prayer of blessing the meeting was adjourned for the annual Vestry feast.
January 19 will be our next vestry meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Van Geoghegan, Clerk of Vestry Fr. Tom, Recording Secretary