St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Vestry Meeting Minutes
November 17, 2022
The vestry met in Serson Hall at 6:33 pm. Fr. Tom introduced Lee Barron, who joined Peter Lund in discussing the opportunity to collect and sell books for the Farmers’ Market. Lee and Peter said they would work with St. Matthews and their books, collect books from parishioners, and the community. The books would be stored on shelves and stored in Trinity Hall.
The vestry welcomed this idea and gave it the go ahead. Lee and Peter were instructed to begin collecting books and when the time comes for shelving and storage return to the vestry with a proposal. Lee will introduce this idea to the congregation of St. Paul’s at Sunday service, November 20.
Members Present: Fr. Tom, Rector; Peter Lund, Sr. Warden; Rich Shea, Jr. Warden; Nora Broszeit, Treasurer; Judy Allen (via phone), Judy Martin, David Abernethy, Steve Carnell, and Van Geoghegan. Don Anderson was absent.
Visitors for the meeting, Charlene Connolly and Lee Barron.
1. Mutual Ministry Review:
Fr. Tom reviewed the survey results from the Mutual Ministry.
2. Personnel: Musician
Fr. Tom and the team to hire St. Paul’s organist met via Zoom with a candidate for the position. They unanimously decided the candidate was not the one for St. Paul’s. Fr. Tom will resume looking for an organist at this time.
In the meantime, Gordon Brown will play on Sundays when he is able.
3. Endowment Documents:
A motion was made by Nora and seconded by Peter to discuss the endowment as written.
A motion was made by Steve and seconded by Nora to approve the Mission and Ministry Endowment of St. Paul’s Enabling Resolutions.
The motion was unanimously approved.
4. Convention Registration:
Fr. Tom told the candidates to convention; Nora, Steve, and Charlene, to go ahead and self-register for the convention to be held Saturday, December 10, 2022, at the Cathedral Church of St. Peter, St. Petersburg, FL.
5. Financial Report:
Nora presented the financial report.
Fr. Tom will be contacting Michael Booher to see if a plan has been set up in the Diocese on helping churches with finances. Steve said we should have a plan to report on to the vestry December 16, on how St. Paul’s can receive help with doing the books.
6. Minutes:
Minutes were approved via email blast.
Reports as needed:
1. Relaunch 2023:
Steve C. discussed the “Relaunch 2023” program and teams. Teams are Communications – Fr Tom, Ministry – Van G. and Rich S., Projects – Peter L./Rich S., Stewardship and Financials – Steve C. The date this will be presented to St. Paul’s parish is January 29, 2023.
2. Stewardship:
Steve volunteered to chair the Stewardship Drive. Fr. Tom asked him to get the help of 3 other parishioners and meet with Fr. Tom after Thanksgiving to make plans.
3. Holy Name of Jesus:
After a discussion with the attendance of and use of St. Paul’s facility, Fr. Tom asked Rich if the both of them could meet and discuss an agreement with Holy Name of Jesus congregation. The agreement would address the use of St. Paul’s facility with a possible monthly rental fee to cover incidentals that occur during use. This is projected to begin January 1, 2023.
4. Cleaning Contract:
Rich said he met with Cordova Cleaning Services. Rich said they are asking for a 20% increase a year. Annually was $12,432, 20% would be annually $15,000.
This would begin January 1, 2023. Nora made a motion to accept the increase, Judy M. seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
The meeting ended with a prayer at 8:11 pm.
The next meeting will be December 16, 2022. The short meeting, followed with a Christmas dinner will be held in Trinity Hall. Spouses will be welcomed.
Respectfully submitted,
Van Geoghegan, Clerk of Vestry Deborah Avery, Recording Secretary