St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Vestry Meeting Minutes
June 16, 2022
The vestry met in Serson Hall at 6:30 pm. Fr. Tom opened the meeting, asking Steve Carnell to do an exercise with the vestry members to promote brainstorming to increase parishioner participation.
Members Present: Fr. Tom, Rector; Nora Broszeit, Treasurer; Joyce Cashin, Jr. Warden; Rich Shea, David Abernethy, Steve Carnell, Van Geoghegan, Judy Martin, Don Anderson, and Judy Allen. Absent was Peter Lund, Sr. Warden.
Reports from Fr. Tom:
1. Resignation: Fr. Tom reported that Richard Breithaupt gave his resignation from the vestry June 9. The vestry accepted the resignation with regret and thanked Richard for his work and wisdom on the team.
2. Accountant: Fr. Tom will contact a person of interest from the parish, and give the information to Nora to proceed with. An announcement for the position of bookkeeper will also be made at service on Sunday, June 19.
3. Day Care: Fr. Tom called Carol Bectold to see if she would be able to meet with the vestry to give us more information about starting up a daycare on the grounds of St. Paul’s. Carol is dealing with family issues and will try to make it to the August vestry meeting.
4. Chalice and Patens: Fr. Tom reported he had ordered and received the set of two chalice and patens in memory of Beverly Sweet, who was a very active member of Altar Guild. They will be blessed and used at her memorial service on August 27.
5. July no vestry meeting: There will not be a vestry meeting in July. The next meeting will be August 18.
Other Reports:
1. Back Packs/Grace Place: Joyce reported on an outreach event for Grace Place which involves collecting and filling back packs for children. Fr. Tom suggested with the short planning time of July 15, we try to do a separate drive at a later time.
2. Peggy Anson Golf Tournament: Joyce said the date for the golf tournament is October 8. $75 per person, with a discount to those who only plan to attend the meal. The event this year will be held at Hibiscus golf course, because the Fox Fire golf course is under renovation. Flyers and more information will be made in the near future.
3. Laundry Love: Rich Shea reported this outreach, which helps people by paying for their laundry, has been well accepted. Deacon Mary Abrams gave Rich forms to apply for a grant. Rich has had very good feedback, and donations have started coming in.
4. Parking on St. Paul’s Lot: Joyce was tasked to find out how many vehicles each of the two businesses have, that use St. Paul’s lot for parking. Vestry members feel the lot might be getting used by other companies who do not have permission to park on the lot.
Minutes: Joyce moved that the May minutes with be approved, and Nora seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
Treasures Report and Financials: Nora reported on the financial reports. Reports attached.
60th Birthday: Fr. Tom would like in lieu of a party or gifts for his 60th birthday on July 4, for parishioners to give $60 to the endowment fund.
Meeting was adjourned with a prayer by Fr. Tom at 7:35 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Van Geoghegan, Clerk of Vestry Deborah Avery, Recording Secretary