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3901 Davis Blvd., east of Airport Road

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Vestry meeting of March 17, 2022

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Vestry Meeting Minutes
March 17, 2022
The Vestry met in Trinity Hall at 5:00 pm for a Retreat/Dinner followed with a meeting.
Brainstorming resulted in four areas to be worked on in 2022.
1.      Ministry- led by vestry member, Van Geoghegan
2.      Stewardship- led by vestry member, Steve Carnel
3.      Projects- led by vestry member, Peter Lund
4.      Communications- led by vestry member- Fr. Tom Thoeni
The meeting was called to order by Fr. Tom at 7:00 pm
Members Present: Fr. Tom, Rector; Peter Lund, Sr. Warden; Nora Broszeit, Treasurer; Joyce Cashin, Jr. Warden; Richard Breithaupt, Judy Allen, Judy Martin, Rich Shea, David Abernethy, Steve Carnell,  and Van Geoghegan. Don Anderson was absent.
Minutes: Nora moved that the February minutes be approved, and Peter seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
Reports by Fr. Tom
1.  April Vestry Meeting:
Fr. Tom will be on vacation the week after Easter. The vestry meeting will be the fourth Thursday, April 28 in the library.
2.  Diocesan ECW:
Fr. Tom clarified that St. Paul’s has oversight over ECW (Episcopal Church Women) group, but the group maintains their own control 
3. Bishop Coadjutor Election:  
The delegates to go to the Coadjutor Election on April 2 are Steve Carnell, Judy Martin, and Joyce Cashin. Fr. Tom will also be attending in St. Petersburg, FL.
Fr. Tom encouraged the delegates to either attend in person at St. Mary’s in Bonita Springs, March 24 to meet the candidates or watch the online videos of each one to make an informed decision on who they elect.
Other Reports
1. Email Etiquette:
Peter pointed out to the vestry to not use email as a form of communication when one disagrees on a topic or has a strong opinion. Bring the issue up to Peter and discuss it, or if needed a special vestry meeting will be held to discuss the issue.
2. Cordova Cleaning Company:
It was brought to the attention of the vestry strong feelings that the cleaning company we use is not doing a thorough job of cleaning the facilities. 
It was decided who ever notices insufficient cleaning practices, should document/ take pictures and share this information with our Sexton Gary Dickerson. Fr. Tom informed the group he will talk with Gary on this issue. Gary signs off on the cleaning and would be able to discuss with the company the problem areas. The vestry asked the AA to send out a copy of the cleaning contract.
3. Positive Feedback:
Rich wanted to share his feelings on what is happening at St. Paul’s. He feels good about the groups meeting at this time, which encourages fellowship and belonging. There is Bible study, men’s group, book discussion groups, and for Lent, a group that meets under the instruction of Steve Carnel. 
4.. Financials: Nora reported on the financial reports. Reports attached.
5. Accountant Status:
Nora reported she has been doing the books and cutting checks for two weeks now, with Virgil Manuel doing bank reconciliations and pay check processing remotely.
A suggestion was made that the job be announced at the Job Fair on March 24. An announcement was put in Bridges, other churches will be asked by Fr. Tom.
6. God’s Gardeners Resolution:
Fr. Tom read the resolution for the 50th anniversary of the God’s Gardeners.
This idea was strongly encouraged by vestry member and God’s Gardener member, Don Anderson.
Whereas the community of St. Paul’s has been given the gift of beautiful grounds and facilities by God, and many of God’s faithful, and …
Whereas honoring such gifts includes maintaining, and nurturing them, and…
Whereas stewardship includes not just the gifts of funds, but also of time, and talent, and energy, and …
Whereas a group of faithful members of St. Paul’s have, and continue to donate their skills, efforts, hard work, and mutual support, and…
Whereas this group has met weekly to work, and share fellowship, and has come to affectionately be known as God’s Gardeners, and …
Whereas their ministry has been practiced continually and tirelessly for fifty years, and …
Whereas the ministry of God’s Gardeners shows no evidence of flagging or tiring…
Therefore let it be resolved that the Wardens and Vestry of St. Paul’s, in the name of a thankful congregation, offer this resolution of honor and thanksgiving to all past and present members of God’s Gardeners, and pray God’s richest blessing on all who have, do, and will serve God, and the people of this fine parish, so faithfully.
Passed this day of March 17, 2022
Richard Breithaupt moved, and Nora Broszeit seconded. The motion was unanimously approved by the vestry.
7. Rectory Use Agreement:
Fr. Tom and the Administrative Assistant left the meeting to allow the vestry to go into Executive Session to discuss the reconstructed Rectory Agreement. Time was 8:00 pm.
The next meeting will be April 28, 2022 in the library.
Respectfully submitted,
Van Geoghegan, Clerk of Vestry                                                        Deborah Avery,  Recording Secretary

3901 Davis Blvd., Naples, Florida 34104   239-643-0197   Office hours 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday-Friday

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