St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Vestry Meeting Minutes
January 20, 2022
The Vestry meeting was called to order at 6:31 pm by Fr. Tom in the Serson Hall library.
Members Present: Fr. Tom, Rector; Rich Shea, Sr. Warden; David Abernethy, Treasurer; Joyce Cashin, Jr. Warden; Richard Breithaupt, Nora Broszeit, Judy Allen, Dick Emerson, and Van Geoghegan. Via phone call Don Anderson
Fr. Tom opened the meeting with a prayer.
Minutes: Richard moved that the December minutes be approved, and Dick seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
Financials: David Abernethy reported on the financial reports. Reports attached.
Reports by Fr. Tom
1. Garage Doors of Naples:
Fr. Tom reported that Garage Doors of Naples on Davis Blvd. would like to obtain a contract like Gator Cars, and be able to park on the south-west side of the lot by the church. The vestry gave the approval and Fr. Tom asked Joyce to look into the matter.
2. Last Things First:
Fr. Tom said the workshop was well attended. Fr. Tom also said the expenses for food was covered by an anonymous donor.
3. 2022 Budget:
David said the 2022 budget is being worked on by St. Paul’s comptroller Virgil Manual. Please give any budget changes to him. If there is property expenses expected for 2022, please submit them to Joyce. Joyce will gather the information and give it to Virgil.
Other Reports
1. By-laws and Annual Meeting:
Richard suggested the changes to the by-laws be presented as a whole rather than each individually. Richard made a resolution to accept this suggestion for the Annual Meeting, with a second made by Dick. The motion was unanimously approved. Tom Connolly will be sending out the Pathway this week with all the changes to the By-Laws. This will go out via email, and hard copy to those who do not receive email.
2. Bishop Visit:
February 6 there will be one service at 9:00 am. Bishop Smith will preside. A reception will follow in Trinity Hall. Van will chair the catering of the event. The vestry approved the amount of $300 for the event.
3. Covid Testing:
Joyce was asked to check into having the Covid Testing Group, do the testing on St. Paul’s property. They will supply there own tent and employees. Joyce will report to the vestry on whether or not we pursue this event.
4. Farmers’ Market:
Dick reported that 2022 started out to be a busy year. Vendors have been increasing every week. The net for 2021 was $32500.00.
5. Stewardship:
Nora reported thank you notes were sent to those who have pledged for 2022. Nudge notes were also sent to those who have not returned they pledge cards for 2022.
6. Fellowship:
A question was brought up about paper product use for fellowship and paper product use for Farmers’ Market. Who is responsible for the expenses? Fr. Tom will check with Ken Eastlack and report to Van.
7. Cordova Cleaning Services:
The question on what the responsibilities/job description for the Cleaning Contract will be tabled till February when we have a new sitting vestry.
Adjournment was at 7:35 pm. The next meeting will be February 17, 2022.
Respectfully submitted,
Van Geoghegan, Clerk of Vestry Deborah Avery, Recording Secretary