St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Vestry Meeting Minutes
November 18, 2021
The Vestry meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Fr. Tom, in the library of Serson Hall.
Members Present: Fr. Tom, Rector; Rich Shea, Sr. Warden; Joyce Cashin, Jr. Warden; David Abernethy, Treasurer; Richard Breithaupt, Nora Broszeit, Dick Emerson, Van Geoghegan, and Don Anderson by cell phone, and Judy Allen via Zoom.
Fr. Tom opened the meeting with a prayer.
Minutes: Richard moved that the October minutes be approved, and Dick seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
Financials: David Abernethy reported on the financial reports. Reports attached.
1. Thank you:
Fr. Tom read a thank you note received from the staff of Lely Elementary for the lunch put on as a thank you for their services. The staff said this really boosted their morale after the year and a half of virtual teaching. This was held on November 17 in the school.
2. Holy Name of Jesus Use Agreement:
Fr. Tom visited with Bishop Smith recently Fr. Tom will be writing up an agreement to be signed by Holy Name of Jesus to be agreed upon by December 31, 2021.
2. By-law’s update:
Fr. Tom reminded us that the vestry will prepare changes which represent our current environment. The congregation will vote at the Annual Meeting, January 30, 2022, on changes to the By-Laws. There will by 5-6 changes that will be presented to the Vestry before our next meeting. A vote of the Vestry will be made on the resolutions. These will then be presented to the congregation by social means of the Pathway, or hard copied mailed to those without access to social media. Rich, Nora, and Fr. Tom are on the committee.
6. Renters’ Contracts:
Richard Breithaupt reported the contracts are being worked on. The Administrative Assistant will complete and send to Richard the contract for Gator Golf Carts. Richard asked Joyce if she would bring the contract to this company when it is ready. Contracts will be finished and presented so that renters can review and sign their contracts before 2022.
7. Vestry Elections:
Dick reported for the election committee of Don, David, and himself on possible candidates to fill 3- 3-year terms, 2- 1- year terms.
Joyce Cashin has voiced she is willing to stay on for a 3-year term.
8. Rectory Windows:
Joyce reported the rectory windows cannot be fixed. Gary Dickerson, St. Paul’s Sexton has been searching for a handy man to fix them, and was unable to find someone or parts to fix the 4 windows. Joyce was asked to check into the cost of replacing the 4 windows, and report to the Capital Improvement Committee by the next Vestry meeting so recommendations can be made on the windows. The kitchen electrical repair status was inquired about. Joyce will check with our Sexton on when this will be completed and report back.
9. Farmers’ Market:
Dick reported the Farmers’ Market on the first Saturday, November 13, they had 19 vendors. 5 more will be added the next Saturday and by January we should have a good selection of Vendors for the market.
10. Junior Warden Report:
All the doors have been painted on the church. Rich Shea is looking into trim paint for all the windows to improve the appearance of the church. The church should look really nice on the outside once the trim is done.
Respectfully submitted
Joyce Cashin, Jr Warden
11. ECW Report:
ECW’s bazaar is planned for January 29, 2022. We are asking for donations for these events. Please drop off any donations you may have to the church office . We will need help setting up the tables on Friday and then taking them back down on Saturday for this event.
Our Christmas ECW Lunch is December 1.Entertainment will be provided by Nora Broszeit and Eleanor Phelps. Please let me know if you are planning on attending, so we can order food. The last possible day would be Saturday, November 27. I will be in the Gift Shop here at the church. All are welcome. Joyce Cashin
10. Stewardship:
Nora reported the team of Jan Shea, Linda Connelly, and herself worked to get the Stewardship letter and pledge cards done and mailed out this past week. Nora reported 5 % of pledgers give over $10,000, 5% give over $5,000, 40% give over $1000, and 50% give less than $1000. The Vestry decided to share this information with the congregation via Weekly Update this week.
11. Staff Compensation:
At 7:45 pm the Vestry went into executive session to discuss the staff compensation for 2022. Fr. Tom and Deb Avery were asked to leave the meeting.
12. Executive Meeting: The vestry entered executive session at 7:45 pm. We made resolutions regarding staff compensation as follows:
We resolved to give our Administrative Assistant a 6% raise for the calendar year 2022.
We resolved to give our Sexton a 5% raise for the calendar year 2022.
We resolved to give our Rector a 2% raise for the calendar year 2022.
All resolutions were made by Rich Shea and seconded by Nora Broszeit.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm.
The next meeting will be December 16, 2021. Fr. Tom announced this meeting will be a potluck with a short business meeting. He will inform the group on what food item to bring, and to please feel free to bring a spouse, date, or friend.
Respectfully submitted,
Van Geoghegan, Clerk of Vestry Deborah Avery, Recording Secretary