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3901 Davis Blvd., two blocks east of Airport Road


3901 Davis Blvd., east of Airport Road

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Vestry meeting of October 19, 2017

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

Vestry Meeting Minutes

October 19, 2017


The meeting was called to order at 6:37 p.m. by Richard Breithaupt, Senior Warden, followed by pray by Fr. Bill to open the meeting.


Members Present: Richard Breithaupt, Senior Warden; Dave Abernethy, Treasurer; Don Anderson, Junior Warden, Alan Cragg, Fr. Bill Faupel, Priest-in-Charge, Darlene Shoemaker, Yvon Hive, Judy Allen, Charlene Connolly, and Bev Whiteman, Clerk. Peter Lund was present via phone.


Members Absent:  Lynne LaMarca, and Carol Diehm.


Item of Personal Privilege:   Bev Whiteman was given the floor to give the Vestry the highlights of her life story.  Charlene Connolly will make her presentation at the November meeting.


Minutes & Financials:  Alan moved and Darlene seconded a motion that the August/September 2017 Treasurer’s reports be approved as distributed.  The motion was unanimously approved.


New Business


  1. Race Relations

Don and Alan discussed the Diocesan convention speaker on race relations, Fr. Meeks.

Don opened for discussion to the Vestry how can St. Paul’s be more in tuned to race relations in our own community?

The Holy Name of Jesus will be hosting the potluck on October 26 and all of St. Paul’s parish are encouraged to attend and be open to meeting new people from our parish.


  1. MAP Formation Process

Dave reported to Vestry that we will begin the budget planning for 2018 in November. Fr. Bill had a list of Vestry members and their designated areas to report back with the proposed budget for 2018. For those members not present the list was emailed to the member.

A proposal from SOSP was to put the interest/income from SOSP back into SOSP. The Vestry response to this proposal is no. The reason for rejecting the proposal is that we are unable to take the money out if needed. More flexibility of the money, is the approach to be taken by the Vestry, by placing the money in the operating fund.




  1. Communications Report:

Darlene Shoemaker presented the communications report.  (Attachment) 


  1. Communications Report:  

Darlene Shoemaker submitted a written report of the Communications Committee (which appears in these minutes as Appendix B.)   


  1. Questionnaire for Parish Profile:

Plans to have the survey for the profile ready to view by the December meeting. The survey to be emailed out to the parish, is planned to be done January 29.2018.


  1. Replacement of Office Server: Fr. Bill reported the office server was replaced 10/18/17 by Parageeks.


  1. Bishop Smith Meeting:

Richard reported the meeting with Bishop Smith, himself and Fr. Bill was held on October 10, to discuss Fr. Bill retiring and the process of hiring a new Rector for St. Paul’s, went very well.


  1. Convention October 13/14:

Richard reported the convention went well with good speakers, programs, and was well attended.


  1. Farmers’ Market:
    Don reported the premarket plans are all coming into place as planned.


  1. Property:

Alan reported on the new air conditioners for Serson Hall, fixing Trinity Hall and the church air conditioners. The church sign is being repaired by Michael Moskaly. Tree removal was done by Angel Tree Removal and God’s Gardeners. The rectory does need roof repair after Irma. The approval to replace the 2 kitchen fire extinguishers has been done.


  1. Stewardship:

Bev thanked Alan Cragg, Barb Kling and Richard Breithaupt for helping with stewardship by speaking on the Sundays in October. The stewardship this year is called “Journey to Generosity”. Pledge cards will go out October 29. We plan to have the campaign completed by the end of November.


  1. Priest-in-Charge:

Fr. Bill said the Greene condo sale fell through. There were damages after Irma for around $6000.

             Christmas Services will be 9 p.m. for St. Paul’s, Brazilian at 5 p.m., and Haitian at midnight on 

             Christmas Eve. On Christmas Day there will be 1 service.

             Annual meeting is set for February 11 between the services, instead of Christian Formation on that


November 19 adult Christian formation will begin at 9 a.m.  The Series will be entitled: So You Call Yourself an Episcopalian!


Upcoming Events

Vestry Meeting with Fr. Tad – Sunday, October 22, 9:00 a.m.

Haitian Fellowship Dinner -- Thursday October 26, 5:30 p.m.

Dedication of New Hymnals & Prayer Books -- Sunday, October 29

Meeting with Canon Cooter – Friday, November 10, 1:30 p.m.

Consecration Sunday & Veterans Day Sunday, November 12 – 8 a.m., 10 a.m.

Fr. Bill’s Continuing Education, Thurs. November 16 – Tues. November 21

Vestry Meeting – Thursday, November 16, 6:30 p.m.

Fellowship Dinner with Dr. David Holmes – Thursday, November 30 5:30 p.m.


Bev moved and Darlene seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:04 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Bev Whiteman                                                                         

Clerk of the Vestry 


3901 Davis Blvd., Naples, Florida 34104   239-643-0197   Office hours 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday-Friday

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