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3901 Davis Blvd., two blocks east of Airport Road


3901 Davis Blvd., east of Airport Road

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Vestry meeting of October 28, 2021

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Vestry Meeting Minutes
October 28, 2021
The Vestry meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Fr. Tom, in the library of Serson Hall.                                 
Members Present: Fr. Tom, Rector; Rich Shea, Sr. Warden; Joyce Cashin, Jr. Warden; David Abernethy, Treasurer; Richard Breithaupt, Nora Broszeit, Judy Allen, Dick Emerson, Van Geoghegan, and Don Anderson by cell phone.
Fr. Tom opened the meeting with a prayer.
Minutes: Joyce Cashin moved that the September minutes be approved and Rich Shea seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
Financials: David Abernethy reported on the financial reports. Reports attached.
1.  Holy Name of Jesus Use Agreement:
Fr. Tom met with Bishop Smith and Canon Richard Norman by zoom as planned. Since Fr. Panel is not an assisting clergy to Fr. Tom and the Haitian church functions separately an agreement is still unresolved. Remaining is a deadline of December 31, 2021 to write an agreement.
2.  By-law’s update:
The congregation will vote at the Annual Meeting, January 30, 2022, on changes to the By-Laws. Fr. Tom reminded us that the vestry will prepare changes which represent our current environment ex: electronic meetings. Three vestry members will prepare amendment changes representing the lay congregation’s probable suggestions worked through before the January meeting. Fr. Tom will present the By-Laws amendments in December’s Pathways to allow the congregation time to be in agreement.
3.  Stewardship Chair:
Fr. Tom welcomed Nora Broszeit as our new Stewardship Chairperson. Linda Connelly has been our dedicated chairperson for 2 years. The vestry unanimously thanks Linda for wonderfully presenting planned giving to the congregation and letters of thanks personally written to annual pledgers.   
4.  Fr. Tom meets with Fr. Edward Gleason:
Fr. Tom will meet with Fr. Gleason to guide him as the new Dean of our six area Episcopal churches. We thank Fr. Tom for his year working with Bishop Smith to keep the six priests informed of meetings and working as a Deanery to contribute to the diocese.
5.  Vestry nominating committee searches for new vestry members:
Dick Emerson reported that the committee of retiring vestry members is ready to ask several members of the congregation to be nominees at the Annual Meeting in January 2022. At the November vestry meeting Fr. Tom prefers to know the nominees’names so no one is called to volunteer at the Annual Meeting. Open are 2 one-year terms, and 3 three-year terms. Don Anderson, Dick Emerson and David Abernethy are thanked for their volunteer service to St. Paul’s Vestry. They have been outstanding lay leaders of our St. Paul’s congregation. Thank you again!
6.  Renters’ Contracts:
Richard Breithaupt reported that he and Don Anderson will be completing their proposals to outside groups who rent space from St. Paul’s during the year. Contracts will be finished and presented so that renters can review and sign their contracts before 2022.
7.   Endowment amendments prepared by Richard Breithaupt:
A motion was made by Richard and seconded by Dick Emerson to accept amendment changes to enable resolutions for “The Society of St. Paul’s Endowment Fund of St. Paul’s Church of Naples, Inc.” The Endowment Fund was adopted 3/8/12. The motion was approved unanimously by the vestry. (attachment)
8.   Plans for an employee handbook and plans to address Diocesan Audit deficiencies:
 It is time to review and write a handbook for employees’ reference regarding vacation days, insurance for medical and dental, leave policy, sick days and job descriptions. Dave Abernethy reminded vestry that after the Diocesan Audit is completed annually the Bishop’s office sends diocesan churches a list of audit deficiencies. Vestry can address the list we received at the next vestry meeting.
 9.  Long Range Plan presented by Van Geoghegan:
Van named Lely Elementary, a Title 1 school, as an elementary school to adopt by St. Paul’s. She explained that teachers and administration need a thank you from their community. Van proposed that the vestry vote to donate $350.00 to be used for a luncheon for teachers and admin November 17. She had planned what food to order from Publix for a buffet lunch. Nora Broszeit made a motion that St. Paul’s adopt Lely Elementary School for outreach by spending $350.00 on a luncheon prepared by Publix. Rich Shea seconded the motion. Six people voted in favor, two opposed and one person abstained. The vote passed.
10.  Jr. Warden’s Report as a Long-Range Plan fulfilled:
Joyce Cashin reported that the second stage of the driveway was planned for October 29 & 30.
She asked the vestry if volunteers would paint the cement car stoppers to save further expense.
The hired company seals the driveway after having patched holes and restripe the parking lines.
Fr. Tom and others said that volunteers could paint the car stoppers white. (Please name a crew chief)
11.  Rector’s Compensation
At the November meeting the vestry will discuss the rector’s compensation for 2022.
12.  Newcomer’s Ministry Long Range plans in action:
Judy Allen announced that five new congregants were welcomed in the chapel October 24 after the 9 am service. Judy and Rich Shea handed out St. Paul’s coffee mugs and literature to help them know more about St. Paul’s. Welcomed were Amanda DeCastro & Kyle Gorgas, Anne Kinsley, Fred and Charlotte Thornton. See photos in the November Pathways of our new members on their welcoming day October 24, 2021. A reminder to everyone: Take pictures and give details to Tom Connolly when events big or small happen at St. Paul’s to share in Pathways newsletters. Send by email to Tom C.
Adjournment was at 8:30 pm. The next meeting will be November 18, 2021.
Respectfully submitted,
Van Geoghegan, Clerk of Vestry                                            Charlene Connolly,  Recording Secretary

3901 Davis Blvd., Naples, Florida 34104   239-643-0197   Office hours 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday-Friday

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