St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Vestry Meeting Minutes
May 20, 2021
The Vestry meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Fr. Tom, in the library of Serson Hall.
Members Present: Fr. Tom, Rector; Rich Shea, Senior Warden; David Abernethy, Treasurer; Joyce Cashin, Junior Warden; Don Anderson, Nora Broszeit, Dick Emerson, Richard Breithaupt, and Van Geoghegan. Judy Allen was unable to be with us.
Fr. Tom opened the meeting with prayer at 6:30 pm.
Minutes: Richard moved that the April minutes be approved, and Joyce seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
Financials: David reported on the financials. YTD income for the month is up by 9%. Expenses are up by 1 %.
1. Church Safety Meeting:
Rich reported on the Church Safety Meeting held May 15 and attended by Rich Shea, Joyce Cashin, Lee Barron, Nora Broszeit, John McCarthy, and Charlene Connolly. Rich said the information was very good and St. Paul’s should incorporate some of the ideas with St. Paul’s activities. Fr. Tom asked Lee Barron and Joyce Cashin to serve on a committee to incorporate some of the safety features with St. Paul’s.
2. Reopen St. Paul’s:
Fr. Tom reported the Bishop announced masks are optional, but should be worn by those not vaccinated. If one is vaccinated there is no need to seat socially distant in church. The offering plate will not be passed to the congregation and the elements will be brought forward.
Pews will be marked off and kept distant from the unmasked, for those who are concerned or have health issues.
3. Goals for 2021:
Richard voiced capital improvements need to be discussed. Fr. Tom appointed Richard Breithaupt and Joyce Cashin to set up a committee to meet and discuss and prioritize improvements needed.
Fr. Tom said he would like to be part of the team and join the first meeting.
On top of the improvements needed, it was mentioned the irrigation system needs to be updated/redone on the campus. Bids and drawings for the new St. Paul’s street sign on Davis was also brought up as a priority.
4. St. Paul’s By Laws:
Fr. Tom reported the team of Nora, Richard, and himself did not have a chance to meet and discuss the By Laws. They will meet and report in June.
5. Emergency/Disaster Plan:
Rich and Joyce reported a few changes needed to be made on the plan. Joyce will check with Lee Perry to see if he will be the Insurance Liaison and Fr. Tom will ask the Holy Name of Jesus Congregation who will represent them for a contact.
Joyce mentioned a couple of more groups should be added to the group contacts.
Richard said we should make it known to the congregation who needs an emergency place, the people who are willing to take them in. This information will go out to the congregation in June.
6. Holy Name of Jesus agreement:
Richard stated that the Holy Name of Jesus congregation is part of St. Paul’s. He will need more information on how they use the St. Paul’s campus before writing up an agreement with St. Paul’s.
7. Junior Warden Property Report:
Junior Warden Joyce is working on getting a new sign for the front yard, we have been meeting with Lykins signs and he has been sending examples for a St. Paul’s sign. Everything is looking good with the church property.
8. ECW report
No meetings at this time, we are hopeful to start regular meetings the first Wednesday in October, 2021. The balance of our Treasury is $4604.77 per Virgil, our comptroller. Of this money, bills still need to be paid.
Joyce Cashin, ECW President
9. Rector Leave:
Fr. Tom stated he will be gone July 4 after Sunday service till Monday, July 12 for vacation.
10. Diocesan Vestry Retreat:
Nora reported on the retreat. She said it was very good and very informative, but too much to report on. She said to go to the website for the retreat information. Nora reported the need to listen with your mind and heart. Listen completely. Nora was asked to email the link to the vestry. This will be discussed as the reflection for the June vestry meeting.
11. Hospitality:
Van announced the Parish Luncheons out will begin again, June 15 at Skillets.
Van requested to hire someone from St. Matthew’s house to work the Sunday morning coffee hour for 3 hours at $10 an hour for the summer. Fr. Tom approved this request.
12. Pastoral Care:
Fr. Tom reported a parishioner was looking for a ride to Sunday service.
13. Outreach:
Fr. Tom suggested a program to raise $1000 to sponsor a person from St. Matthew’s to do a year long Justin’s Place Rehab program. Fr. Tom will ask Judy to form a team. The idea is that if only 20 people donated $1 a week we could raise the $1000.
14. SOSP:
Fr. Tom reported the Birthday Club program will be started up again. Fr. Tom asked Richard to be the chair of the SOSP( Society of Saint Paul’s) committee.
Adjournment was at 8:25 pm. Next meeting will be June 17 at 6:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Van Geoghegan, Clerk of the Vestry Deborah Avery, Recording Secretary