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3901 Davis Blvd., two blocks east of Airport Road


3901 Davis Blvd., east of Airport Road

street sign

Vestry meeting of April 15, 2021

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Vestry Meeting Minutes
April 15, 2021
Present: Father Tom Thoeni, Don Anderson, Richard Breithaupt, Dick Emerson, Nora Broszeit, Dave Abernethy, Joyce Cashin, Judy Allen, Rich Shea. Missing: Van Geoghegan.
The Vestry Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm.
Father Tom opened with a prayer and then led a discussion on Chapter 3 of Transforming Leadership. We discussed the declining memberships of the mainline churches.
Nora B and Rich S, as new members of the Vestry, spoke briefly of their backgrounds.
The minutes of the March 2021 Vestry Meeting were accepted with no objections.
Dave A, as Treasurer, presented the financial report. Comparing March 2021 to March 2020, plate offerings were down 19%, our YTD plate offerings were down 57%, and our YTD plate offerings Plan to Budget were down 60%. However our pledge offerings were up 85%, our YTD pledge offerings were up 36% and our YTD pledge offering balance was up 61%% vs budget. Overall our total income in March was up 172% vs 2020 mainly because our PPP government loan was forgiven. Our YTD Total Income vs YTD expenses is up $36,497. Our Farmers’ Market revenue was higher than budgeted.
It was agreed by all that Nora B will continue her status as backup to the Comptroller in case of his absence, especially in regard to payroll and daily bookkeeping.
Richard B identified 23 families who pledged in 2020 and have not submitted a pledge for 2021. Linda Connelly will send a letter to those families that are still members of our parish.
Approval of the 2021 budget by the Vestry was recently done by email March 16, and was also approved at this meeting by unanimous consent.
Father Tom reported that we are now allowed, by the Bishop, to have 50% capacity at our services. Even though Collier County has rescinded the mask requirement, we will continue to require masks at all services.
Father Tom added two goals for 2021:
1.   He would like our bylaws to be reviewed. Nora B and Richard B will work on this with Father Tom. Along these lines, Richard B will review our agreement with the Haitian community.
2.   Regarding substantial bequests made to Saint Paul’s, including the Greene donation, Father Tom said he would not like these bequests to be used for operating expenses. He would like to see such gifts allocated as follows: 50% to our Endowment Fund, 25% for capital improvements and 25% directed towards some sort of new ministry. A committee to study this will include Father Tom, Joyce C and Don A.
We discussed various ways to identify visitors and new members. Rich S will continue to work on this at Sunday Eucharist and in other ways. The ushers will help him to identify new folks.
Joyce C spoke about our sign out front and whether we should be looking at repairing or replacing the sign. Joyce and Don A will consult with Lee Perry and report back next month.
Dick E reported that the Farmer’s Market has ended for this season. He said that the vendors were all excited about returning in the Fall. An effort will be made to add more vendors. Dick thought that the hours for the Market, presently 8am to noon, might be changed to 9 am to 1 pm thus encouraging more food vendors to be available for folks to pick up lunch.
Joyce C announced that we will host another vaccination session on Saturday, May 1.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm.
Minutes by Rich Shea

3901 Davis Blvd., Naples, Florida 34104   239-643-0197   Office hours 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday-Friday

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