St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Vestry Meeting Minutes
February 18, 2021
The Vestry meeting was called to order at 6:29 pm by Fr. Tom, in Trinity Hall so as to Social Distance safely.
Members Present: Fr. Tom, Rector; Rich Shea, Senior Warden; David Abernethy, Treasurer; Don Anderson, Junior Warden; Joyce Cashin, Richard Breithaupt, Dick Emerson, Nora Broszeit, Van Geoghegan, and Judy Allen.
Fr. Tom introduced guests at the meeting. Jerry Tysiak, and Steve Carnell. Steve began the meeting with an “Ice Breaker” exercise, which warmed up the group with a few chuckles.
Fr. Tom led opening prayer with an update on our wonderful, Peggy Anson, and her strong faith.
Long Range Planning: The Long-Range Plan developed in 2018, was presented to the vestry members by Steve Carnell. Steve asked that the vestry please review it by the March meeting. He would like input, suggestions, and comments. Jerry Tysiak, helped develop the plan and said it took a 6 week time span to develop the 5 goals and objectives. They both threw out ideas to think about. Should Steve work with a group he selects, or should Steve and the vestry work together on the plan.
Fr. Tom’s input on this process is to put the plan into action as soon as possible.
Steve introduced the possibility of having a Covid vaccination site at St. Paul’s. This will be investigated by Steve and he will report back to the vestry. Fr. Tom asked Joyce Cashin to work along with Steve to develop and arrange a possible venue at St. Paul’s for this to work, if the county will allow this to go through. The vestry agreed to pursue this project.
Fr. Tom thanked Jerry and Steve for joining the group and presenting the plan.
Minutes: Van moved that the January minutes be approved, and Joyce seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
Financials: David reported the projection for revenue for 2021 is approximately $291,000 and expenses of $367,000, leaving St. Paul’s with a deficit of $76000.
The comptroller was asked if St. Paul’s qualified for the second PPP loan, and we were not qualified.
Richard B. suggested for the March, Long Range Planning discussion, we all bring ideas on how to develop a positive cash flow for St. Paul’s.
1. Election and Appointment of Vestry Officers:
Rich Shea was appointed Senior Warden by the Rector. Richard B. nominated Dick E. for Junior Warden. Richard B. removed the nomination after Dick E. said he was too involved with the government of his community at this time. Don nominated Joyce for Junior Warden and Van seconded the motion. The vestry unanimously approved, and Joyce accepted the nomination. David was asked by the vestry if he would stay on as Treasurer. David agreed to be Treasurer for 2021. Van volunteered to be Clerk of the Vestry. Dick E. moved we have the new members of the vestry be delegates for the October Diocesan Convention and Joyce seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. Don moved Joyce be the alternate delegate and Richard B. seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. Delegates are Rich Shea, Nora Broszeit, Richard Breithaupt, and the alternate is Joyce Cashin.
2. Sound/ Wi-Fi in Church:
Fr. Tom reported Tom Connolly and Gene Bartley have almost completed the project and there has been noticeable improvement in the sound quality in church.
3. Goals for the Year:
Fr. Tom wanted to reiterate his annual meeting announcement of goals for 2021. Get through the Covid pandemic as a parish, proceed with the Long-Range Plan, and Planned Giving.
4. Vestry:
Fr. Tom would like the vestry to read chapter 2 of the Transforming Leadership book. You may skip page 22 the last chapter.
A vestry retreat will be held in the next month. Rich S. will work out the where and when and let the vestry know. Discussion will be making a vestry calendar, team building, Rector’s vacation, and goal setting. Steve Carnell and Jerry Tysiak will be asked to join the retreat.
5. Farmers Market:
Dick reported the market has about 29 vendors at the time. The market is at about 60% of what it was at peak season in the past.
The vendors seem content and the patrons are picking up. The hot dog social area is breaking even on funds.
6. Kitchen Use:
Van wanted to know if the kitchen facility could be used for fellowship. The vestry decided we will go on a month-to-month basis to check on this status. At this time the kitchen is still not to be used for functions.
7. Junior Warden Property Report:
Don reported the campus remains in good condition thanks to the diligent efforts of the God’s Gardeners.
The Sexton has been checking the Church periodically but has found nothing unusual and the mystery of who used the Church and
Trinity Hall continues. Further work should be done relative to key types and to distribution of keys.
This is my final report. It has been a pleasure and thanks to all for making easy and fun.
Respectfully submitted, Donald Anderson, Junior Warden
8. ECW:
Joyce reported that no ECW Meetings have been held since 2020. I do need to schedule either a Zoom Meeting or an in person
meeting to discuss some topics that were brought up at the Combined Meeting of Naples and Fort Myers last week. They have
requested that each ECW group submit the name of a group or Organization that is in need of funds to be considered for the "Great
ECW had the bazaar at the end of January and raised about $1100.00.
The Treasury now has a balance of $1955.55.
Respectfully submitted, Joyce Cashin
9. Memorial Garden:
Lee Barron, a member of God’s Gardeners, expressed great concern of the sacred land in the memorial garden. She would like to donate plants and time to improve the looks of the land and “set it aside” by beautifying the area with plants and possibly benches that fellow parishioners would donate to the area. She was told she needed the vestry’s approval to move on with this project. The Rector and Senior Warden are the ones to approve this project and she will work with them on moving forward. The vestry unanimously approved receiving Lee Barron’s gift.
Adjournment was at 8:28 pm. Next meeting will be the retreat in March. Fr. Tom will inform the vestry when and where.
Respectfully submitted,
Van Geoghegan, Clerk of the Vestry Deborah Avery, Recording Secretary