St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Vestry Meeting Minutes
June 15, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Richard Breithaupt, Senior Warden, who asked Fr. Bill to open the meeting with prayer.
Members Present:
Richard Breithaupt, Senior Warden; Dave Abernethy, Treasurer; Darlene Shoemaker, Carol Diehm, Charlene Connolly, Alan Cragg, and Fr. Bill Faupel, Priest-in-Charge.
Members Absent:
Don Anderson, Junior Warden, Bev Whiteman, Clerk, Judy Allen, Yvon Hive, Lynne LaMarca, and Peter Lund
Item of Personal Privilege:
Dave Abernethy was given the floor to give the Vestry the highlights of his life story. This presentation will be shared with the congregation in a future issue of St. Paul’s Pathway. Carol Diehm will make her presentation at the next Vestry meeting.
Carol moved and Dave seconded a motion that the April and special May meeting minutes be approved as distributed. The motion was unanimously approved.
Darlene moved and Alan seconded a motion to accept the April and May financials be approved as distributed. The motion was unanimously approved. (See Appendix A of the official copy of these minutes)
New Business
Carol recommended and Darlene seconded a motion that the Vestry approve to fill the unexpired vacant term on the Vestry by Judy Allen. Judy will be the liaison to the Sunday ministries. The motion unanimously approved.
Because the final draft of the audit was not finished at the time of the June meeting the motion to approve was deferred until the next Vestry meeting.
Alan moved and Charlene seconded a motion to approve the Society of St. Paul’s recommendation that Sophia Carter and Sendy Bernard each receive a $1,000 scholarship for the 2017-2018 academic year from the 2017 endowment income.
In the discussion that followed Dick made a substitute motion seconded by Darlene that: 1) a policy be set to limit awarding one scholarship per year; 2) the scholarship for 2017 be awarded to Sophia Carter; 3) in future years St. Paul’s advertise the availability of the scholarship which all qualified students can apply; 4) the Society of St. Paul’s be charged with the responsibility to develop criteria to determine persons eligible to apply for the scholarship; and 5) the Society also be charged with the responsibility to recommend to the Vestry the person chosen to receive the scholarship. After further discussion, the substitute motion was approved.
The recommendation that the Unique Boutique be turned over to the ECW with the understanding that the use of income remains unchanged from the present arrangement failed for lack of motion.
Fr. Bill moved and Dick seconded a substitute motion that the financial accountant report to ECW the funds raised by the Unique Boutique yearly so the ECW can report the monies as part of their income. In the discussion that followed it was clarified that if the substitute motion passed the Unique Boutique would continue to be under direct supervision of the Vestry and the monies will continue to be part of the General Fund. The motion was unanimously approved.
Dave moved and Darlene seconded a motion that St. Paul’s accept credit cards for Farmers’ Market, vendors, concerts and pledges online. After extensive discussion, the motion was unanimously approved.
Carol moved and Charlene seconded a motion that St. Paul’s absorb the 3 ½ % processing costs of credit cards. The motion was unanimously approved.
Dick was honored to inform the Vestry that Fr. Bill’s contract to continue as Priest-in-Charge of St. Paul’s was renewed one more year. (A copy of Fr. Bill’s contract is attached as Appendix B to the official copy of these minutes.)
Dave gave the Audit committee report. He wanted the Vestry to thank the Audit committee, consisting of Darlene Shoemaker, Carolyn Hale, Henry Diehm, and Don Anderson for their diligent work on the Audit committee. Recommendations made by the audit committee include:
Darlene Shoemaker submitted a written report of the Communications Committee (A copy of this report appears as Appendix C in the official copy of these minutes.)
Fr. Bill reported the new roof began construction June 14 with Kelly Roofing.
Alan reported a tractor was purchased for St. Paul’s in part from monies received in selling a car given to St. Paul’s by Fr. Frank King.
Fr. Bill reported St. Paul’s has received official word that St. Paul’s was named in the estate will of Alpheus Greene, a parishioner who died recently. No mention was made in the notification the amount of the bequest or when the estate would be probated.
Charlene gave a report on the Holy Name of Jesus activities at St. Paul’s. (The report is attached as Appendix D in the official copy of these minutes.)
Charlene reported that we are to report new Vestry members and Eucharistic Visitors to Kevin Fitzgerald in addition to the Diocesan Office when completing the Safeguarding of God’s Children Class.
Upcoming Events
June 29 Thursday Parish Potluck Trinity Hall 6:00 p.m.
July 9 Sunday Parish Potluck Brunch Trinity Hall after 9 a.m. service
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Deborah Avery
Recording Secretary
3901 Davis Blvd., Naples, Florida 34104 239-643-0197 Office hours 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday-Friday