Vestry Meeting Minutes
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Naples FL January 19, 2017
Members Present: Dick Breithaupt (Sr. Warden), Yvon Hive, Charlene Connolly, Alan Cragg, Van Geoghegan (Jr. Warden), Barbara Kling, Lynne LaMarca, Adrienne McGrain, Bev Whiteman, Don Anderson, Lee Perry.
Members Not Present: Fr. Bill Faupel (Priest-in-Charge), Hal Brundage.
Guests Present: David Abernethy
The Senior Warden called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. with prayer.
December minutes were unanimously approved with the direction to post them. Moved by Bev/seconded by Van. December financials were unanimously approved. Moved by Alan/seconded by Don. (The financials appear in the official copy of these minutes as Appendix A).
Item of Personal Privilege. Alan Cragg gave a personal profile. In February, Yvon Hive will give his profile. These will be published in future issues of St. Paul’s Pathway under the headline: “Meet Your Vestry.”
New Business:
Lynne agreed to continue 1 more year. Richard will continue 3 more years. Both Vestry members must be reelected at the annual meeting. Alan moved and Don seconded the slate of Vestry members. The recommendation was unanimously approved.
Possible suggestion of Sewing for Hope, was submitted by Lynne.
The form does have to be sent back to the Diocese accepting the dividend and articulating how it will be used.
Possible suggestion made by Charlene would be to share a list of the names on the committee. It was also reminded that we committed to giving $1000.00 to Fr. Panel for his country of Haiti.
Teams received an email with an update on parishioners who signed up for their ministry at the fair. Fr. Bill felt the fair was a success.
Barb Kling reported Tom Connolly and Alan went to a Social Media workshop in Dayspring. They will report to the team at the next meeting. Barb stressed how great the website is and the wealth of information on the calendar.
Bev reported that she has contacted everyone that did not respond to the pledge campaign and resent several new pledge cards to parishioners. Bev will get a new report from our Accountant to report back next month on an updated list and activities.
Dick announced that the next event will be the presentation of cakes and pies on February 12 at the two services. Bill Strenkert has volunteered to help with presenting the items to charities. The Blood mobile is scheduled to be at the Farmers’ Market coming soon. Pledge cards will be handed out, because they can only manage 20 donors in the morning.
Dick read a thank you letter from Bishop Smith for the warm welcome at his visit December 11.
The Bishop has January 27, 2018 on his calendar to join our Jubilee.
Richard and the Vestry members thanked those leaving their terms in January. Hal Brundage, Barbara Kling, Adrienne McGrain, and Lee Perry.
Charlene expressed her thank you from the Pageant group to any one that helped or attended the Christmas Pageant.
Upcoming Dates to put on your calendar
Complaints- Sound System at the 10 a.m. January 15, did not work.
When the pastor moves head, the mike goes in and out. Suggested to get it corrected or to use the pulpit.
The date of the February Vestry Meeting is set for Thursday, February 16, at 6:30 p.m.
The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Moved by Bev and seconded by Van.
Respectfully Submitted
Deb Avery Recording Secretary for
Bev Whiteman Vestry Clerk
3901 Davis Blvd., Naples, Florida 34104 239-643-0197 Office hours 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday-Friday