St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Vestry Meeting Minutes
December 17, 2020
The Vestry meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Fr. Tom, in Trinity Hall so as to Social Distance safely.
Members Present: Fr. Tom, Rector; Charlene Connolly, Senior Warden; David Abernethy, Treasurer; Don Anderson, Junior Warden; Joyce Cashin, Lee Perry, Dick Emerson, Yvon Hive, Van Geoghegan, and Judy Allen.
Fr. Tom opened the meeting with a poem he will use instead of the sermon on Christmas.
Minutes: Van moved that the November minutes be approved, and Joyce seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
Financials: The November financials were reviewed with the vestry by David Abernethy. The reports were unedited and unaudited from our temporary comptroller, Nora Broszeit. Attached.
Senior Warden, Charlene thanked the Vestry for their assistance on Giving Sunday. Accurate amounts received cannot be obtained at this time.
1. Farmers Market:
Dick shared a report from Peter Lund, the Farmers’ Market manager.
This past Saturday we had 19 vendors; produce (4), books, flowers (2), clothing, honey , ice cream, seafood, watch repair, muffins, tamales, tacos, knife sharpening, newspaper, canvas art, and cozies. No book vendor this past Saturday.
2 vendors did not show up for unknown reasons: guacamole and jewelry
3 vendors indicated they would be back the following week: coffee truck, jewelry and mushrooms.
2 vendors cancelled out for the season: hemp oil (job conflict), sunglasses (virus concerns)
In January have strong commitments for 10 vendors; wood products, tee shirts, produce, orchid pots, jeans, chiropractor, popcorn, tablecloths, shell art, sourdough bread.
Have weaker commitments for 3 vendors baby clothes, juice, mangos.
We had no issues with our on-site food prep vendors (tamales and taco’s) given little congregating near these sites.
All vendors are wearing masks when dealing with customers and have hand dispensers at their booths.
95% of our customers are wearing fac masks upon entering
Our two hand sanitizer stations are being used often.
Market continues to be lightly attended compared to last year.
We are down about 40% in vendors compared to last year.
Hoping that January will bring in more vendors and customers.
2. Rental Rates and St. Paul’s property:
Junior Warden, Don, reported as of December 2020, we have three organizations using
our facilities. Wednesday AA and the Brazilian Church have agreed to and signed the new contracts for 2021.
Armenian Church has a contract through 2021, which we will review next year. Thanks to Deb for her efforts in this review.
Anticipated 2021 is $10,200.
The grounds of St. Paul’s are in good shape. Thank you to Lee Barron for the holiday welcome decorations in the front entrance.
Hurricane season is over, and we dodged a bullet, but still have serious window problems at Rectory.
Fr. Tom submitted a Rectory Property update. Attached.
On December 17 the trees and palms were trimmed on St. Paul’s campus by Angel Tree.
3. Wi-Fi in Church:
Fr. Tom reported Tom Connolly and Gary Dickerson are working on the Wi-Fi for the church.
4. Toy Drive by ECW:
Fr. Tom congratulated the ECW women on their wonderful mission to collect toys for the unfortunate children of the community. Joyce said even Jeff Page, from the Greater Naples Fire Department was very impressed with all the toys they collected. Joyce read a thank you note for all the toys from the Fire Department.
5. Comptroller Update:
Fr. Tom thanked Nora Broszeit and Charlene Connolly for working in the comptroller office. Nora has been busy learning the programs and inputting donations and paying bills. At present there is an issue with Nora doing payroll. Names have to be added and taken off the documents at Suntrust to make her official. Payroll has not been inputted since November 15. Checks have been manually issued to employees who have requested them, and adjustments will be made once Nora is documented as official in the capacity of Pay Roll official.
Charlene highly recommends that when a new comptroller is in place, the person keep a step-by-step procedure book.
Fr. Tom said a couple of people have shown interest in the position. He will give it till the end of the week (December 25), and review applications at that time.
6. Office Copier:
Fr. Tom reported the office copier is due for renewal of contract this coming summer of 2021. A copier representative was in the office on December 15, to review options with Deb Avery, and Fr. Tom on rates for a new copier. The Vestry will decide on 48 months or 60 months for a leasing time period.
7. Vestry Elections/ Annual Meeting:
Fr. Tom inquired, and no more nominations have been received from the Vestry, to replace the 3 members leaving; Charlene, Yvon, and Lee. Nora Broszeit has voiced she is interested. The Annual Meeting is set for January 31, 2021.
8. Mutual Ministry Review for St. Paul’s:
Fr. Tom has posted a compiled list of comments to the questionnaire.
9. Kinsley Trust:
Charlene reported Anne Kinsley called St. Paul’s office to thank them for all their support and delivering her documents for the trust to her lawyers.
10. Long Range Plans:
Fr. Tom introduced Steve Carnel who has showed interest in joining the Long-Range Planning committee for St. Paul’s. He has experience in this work from his present position in Naples as Collier County Service Department Planner. The Long-Range Planning will begin after the new Vestry Team is in place in 2021.
11. PPP Loan:
David inquired if St. Paul's s was granted forgiveness for the PPP Loan received earlier this year. Fr. Tom did not know and will check with Ann Vickers.
12. ECW:
The ECW treasury has a balance of $180.66.
The Gift Shop under the direction of Marilyn Perry and Susan Larson, have set up 3 tables outside during Farmers’ Market sell a few items from the Gift Shop. The women of ECW are still planning on trying to have a Bazaar sometime after the first of the year. The ECW meetings for 2020 and 2021 due to COVID 19.
Joyce Cashin
President of ECW
Van presented a Christmas card and gift from the ECW to Fr. Tom and Deb Avery in appreciation for all the work they do at St. Paul’s.
13. Compensation Discussion: A decision was made to give Fr. Tom and the Administrative Assistant a raise for 2021.
Adjournment was at 7:29 pm. Next meeting will be January 21, 2021 at 6:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Lee Perry, Clerk of the Vestry Deborah Avery, Recording Secretary