St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Vestry Meeting Minutes
April 20, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 6:33 p.m. by Richard Breithaupt, Senior Warden, who asked Fr. Bill to open the meeting with prayer.
Members Present: Richard Breithaupt, Senior Warden; Dave Abernethy, Treasurer; Don Anderson, Junior Warden, Alan Cragg, Fr. Bill Faupel, Priest-in-Charge, Lynn LaMarca, Peter Lund, and Bev Whiteman, Clerk.
Members Absent: Darlene Shoemaker, Yvon Hive, Van Geoghegan, Carol Diehm, and Charlene Connolly.
New Business
Don recommended and David seconded a motion that the Vestry approve the Outreach Committee’s recommendations for the dispersal of the 2016 Outreach funds as recorded below. The motion unanimously approved
Total $ 6,000
Bev moved and Alan seconded a motion to accept the resignation of Van Geoghegan from the Vestry, with regret and that Fr. Bill write a letter of appreciation for her past 4 ½ years of service on the Vestry and her two years as Junior Warden. The motion was unanimously approved.
Bev made a motion to endorse the Worship Committee’s proposed, new 10 a.m. service to be implemented on Sunday, May 7. The Vestry unanimously endorsed the proposal. On behalf of the Vestry, Richard expressed deep appreciation for the work of the Committee and asked Bev Whiteman to convey to the Worship Committee how impressed the Vestry was with the results.
Vestry Retreat in Dayspring is May 6, at 9 a.m. The following members plan to attend: Dave Abernethy, Don Anderson, Charlene Connolly, Alan Cragg, Carol Diem, Fr. Bill Faupel, Yvon Hive, Lynne LaMarca, Peter Lund. Carpooling will be at 6:29 a.m. in front of the church.
Fr. Bill, Peter, Lynne, and Don volunteered to be on the nominating committee to bring a recommendation to the May Vestry meeting to fill the vacant Vestry position.
Dave Abernethy presented the treasurers report. Sever questions were raised and answered regarding several numbers on the balance sheet. The history of the Weiss Business Money Market and The Mission Savings will be investigated and reported on at a later meeting.
Darlene Shoemaker submitted a written report of the Communications Committee (which appears in these minutes as Appendix B.)
Bev Whiteman presented the report of the Worship Committee, which resulted in the Vestry’s endorsement of the new 10 a.m. service to be implemented on Sunday, May 7th.
Fr. Bill and the Recording Secretary were asked to leave the meeting, while the Vestry discussed whether to recommend to the Bishop that Fr. Bill be reappointed for another year.
The Vestry unanimously recommended Fr. Bill be reappointed for another year and a letter will be sent to the Bishop requesting this recommendation be approved.
Upcoming Events
May 6 Saturday Vestry Retreat at Dayspring 8 a.m.- 4 p.m.
May 9 Tuesday Parish Lunch 11:30 a.m.
May 18 Thursday Haitian Dinner (honoring Haitian Flag Day)
May 25 Thursday Vestry meeting (fourth Thursday)
The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Bev Whiteman Deb Avery
Clerk of the Vestry Deborah Avery
Recording Secretary
3901 Davis Blvd., Naples, Florida 34104 239-643-0197 Office hours 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday-Friday