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3901 Davis Blvd., two blocks east of Airport Road


3901 Davis Blvd., east of Airport Road

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Vestry meeting of November 15, 2023

 ­St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Vestry Meeting Minutes
November 15, 2023 

Vestry met in Serson Hall with a call to order at 6:30 p.m. There was a quorum. Fr. Tom opened the meeting with a prayer.

Members Present: Fr. Tom Thoeni, Rector; Steve Carnell, Sr. Warden; Rich Shea, Jr. Warden; Nora Broszeit, Clerk; Peter Lund on the phone, Lee Barron, Judy Martin, Carol O’Connell, Mary Lou Dogoloff, and Tom Connolly. Treasurer Rose Porembo was present.

Approval of October vestry minutes: Fr. Tom asked for a motion of approval for the October 11th vestry minutes. Rich Shea made the motion and Judy Martin seconded the motion and the motion was adopted by acclamation.

Treasurer’s Report: Rose Porembo gave vestry the financial report for October.

Pre-School Development: Fr. Tom called for a motion to table the study to create a preschool at St. Paul’s. Tom C. made the motion, Judy M. seconded and the motion passed by acclamation. Peter L. was asked by Fr Tom to notify Carol Bechtol who has been providing the vestry with information.

Discussion with Lang Lowrey: Fr. Tom welcomed Lang Lowrey by zoom to discuss with vestry ways to develop and lease unused acres of St. Paul’s property. Fr. Tom asked Lang to discuss his personal credentials. Lang was recently hired to work for Bishop Scharf in our diocese. St. Paul’s has 2.5 unused acres that can be turned into an income source for St. Paul’s. Fr. Tom sent our land survey to Bishop Scharf and CFO Mike Booher. The diocese owns the land where Episcopal churches are planted. Lang discussed taking our time after zoning is granted; explore spiritually and allow a prayerful decision.

Farmer’s Market Update: Peter Lund told vestry that nineteen vendors are current and four more are starting this week. Lee Barron reported that the Book Sales collected $319. on 11/11/23.

Holy Name of Jesus Agreement: Fr. Tom reported that the diocese edited the title of the agreement to Memorandum of Understanding. We are waiting for Fr. Panel from the Holy Name of Jesus community to sign the memorandum so it can be filed with our diocese and St. Paul’s. This is an annual agreement due before the first of each year.

Fence Around Easement: Steve C reported that there were no changes this month.

Planning: Budgeting Process and Finance Committee: Rose P commented that the Narrative Budget formatted as a handout tells where we are going to move forward. Vestry makes the vision for the church. Topics chosen for the handout are Who Are We, listing 2022 spending groups. Expenditures covered Nurture, Changing Lives, Worship, and Ministries. Discussed in the handout is stewardship being central to all of our ministries at St. Paul’s.

2024 Vestry Selection Process: Steve C reported that there are three slots open for the 2024 vestry nominations and people were still being interviewed.

Review of Renters’ Fees for 2024: Rich Shea will have a report on currents renters fees. Some fees have multi year agreements. 

Solar Panels: Tom C will have a report for next month’s meeting.

New Business

New Women’s Group January 2024: Planned and advertised is the first meeting of the “Circle of Sisters… Stronger Together” January 4, 2024 at 3 p.m. in Trinity Hall. Call Sharon Carnell or Betty Lentz for more information.

Memorial Garden: Bushes have been planted in a circle in the Memorial Garden facing Davis Blvd. to mark sacred ground. Removal of certain trees with new plantings require approval from vestry. Fr. Tom made a motion that God’s Gardeners replant jumper trees around the sacred ground. Lee Barron made the motion and Judy Martin seconded, the vote passed by acclamation. A second motion was made to remove and replace a palm tree. Mary Lou D made the motion and Judy M seconded. The vote passed by acclamation.

Letter of Resignation of Administrative Assistant: Fr. Tom received Carol O’Connell’s letter of resignation as February 15, 2024. She will be moving north to be near her family. Fr. Tom has advertised for a new administrative assistant. Carol O’C shared that she will miss everyone.

Gift Tags on Christmas Tree in the Narthex: Judy Martin has provided the parish with a plan for outreach before Christmas. On the Christmas tree in the narthex are different colored tags with names of elderly people and children who would enjoy a gift. Judy will collect and deliver the gifts donated by the parishioners. Thank you, Judy M.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Respectively Submitted,

Charlene Connolly, Recording Secretary 
Nora Broszeit, Clerk of the Vestry

3901 Davis Blvd., Naples, Florida 34104   239-643-0197   Office hours 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday-Friday

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